Cassia Rodrigues
Yoga · Breathwork · Ayurveda · Massage · Water therapy
I live life through dreams that become my story and unfold in various parts of me.
An eternal traveling apprentice, I have traveled through many countries in search of ancient knowledge. Teacher and therapist, spirituality and Yoga have always been in my path since I was very young. Mentor and student in constant growth. Beyond that, I am all the things I have yet to learn.
Forever a child of nature and lover of her gifts, I intend, through my work, to bring her teachings of love and healing to each one who comes to me.
Upcoming Events
'Your own Self-realization is the greatest
service you can render the world.'
Practices and Therapies
I bring together a set of practices that I integrate into my sessions, resulting in a personalized and unique approach.
Sound Healing
Yoga and Movement
Agni= digestive fire
Fire Rituals
Water Therapy
Fly Deeper / Liquid Cosmos
Prayer to Mother Nature
May the strength of the heavens, the light of the Sun, the brilliance and mystery of the Moon, the radiance and transformation of fire, the swiftness of the wind, the depth of the Oceans, the stability and abundance of the Earth, the firmness and memories of the rock, be always present in our days.
Retreats 1:1
Personalized program
In person
Duration: 5, 10 or 15 days
Location to be defined